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Braindump everything int
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Braindump everything into
New ideas will pop up with time.
Using Logseq helps you organize your thoughts and ideas
so that you can come up with new outputs more easily.

Logseq: A privacy-first, open-source knowledge base


; ilyag+[^:,]; 9e3fd6bf; thanks ; +cart
I was looking for inform
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

I was looking for information on...

; ilyag+[:**]; e2b48559; thanks ; +cart
when a reference link is
#bug; #hastext; #hastitle; #hasvote; #client; #cookie; #hashtag; #received


when a reference link is broken in spawn dialogs mode, it shows a 404 error in the page "background"

; ilyag+[:**]; 72f95080; thanks ; +cart
Nothing is impossible. T
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'"
— Audrey Hepburn

100 Inspirational Quotes To Keep You Motivated in 2024 - Parade


; wendy✅; 38473a8e; thanks ; +cart
Nothing is impossible. T
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm possible!'"
— Audrey Hepburn

100 Inspirational Quotes To Keep You Motivated in 2024 - Parade


; wendy✅; 1ecb4a3b; thanks ; +cart
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; Guest[)^^]; e4ac73ed; thanks ; +cart
Make your own live wallp
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Make your own live wallpapers, screensavers, widgets, custom tools, and set up workflows just the way you like! Or have a look around the BBS to see what other cartridge authors are up to.

Picotron by Lexaloffle


; ilyag+[;;']; 1bb54887; thanks ; +cart
Picotron is a Fantasy Wo
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Picotron is a Fantasy Workstation for making pixelart games, animations, music, demos and other curiosities. It has a toy operating system designed to be a cosy creative space, but runs on top of Windows, MacOS or Linux. Picotron apps can be made with built-in tools, and shared with other users in a special 256k png cartridge format.

Picotron by Lexaloffle


; ilyag+[;;']; 5190a376; thanks ; +cart
comment from hacker news
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They function differently, but in terms of what gets communities to actually form and stick around, I think they're very similar:

- Making a new space for your community is trivial for anyone; it can be done in seconds with a few clicks and all you have to do is choose a name.

- Many people already have an account, so you don't need to convince everyone to sign up for a new platform. (Which scales with the platform's size, like all network effects.)

- Communities have their own space they can adjust to their liking, rather than being a vague cluster of nodes with a similar interest like in other social networks.

- Owners of those spaces have a lot of leeway to run things as they see fit.

Personally, I don't like the growing trend of every community being a Discord server that is going to collect dust in the corner of my chat window unless I commit to keeping up with it every day, but I understand why it's happening. Discord is an adequate social hub for any project or hobby group with a very low barrier to entry, which is more important than the actual functionality being the best IMO.

They function differently, but in terms of what gets communities to actually for... | Hacker News


; ilyag+[;;']; f5c40b4d; thanks ; +cart
For clipping other pages
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #http; #received

For clipping other pages and content.



; ilyag+[;;']; 02d8cb24; thanks ; +cart
E1710258919944 E1710258
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E1710258919944 E1710258919944

; Barre✅; 1fef27d5; thanks ; +cart
E1710258915488 E1710258
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E1710258915488 E1710258915488

; Barre✅; 4a2fe0ad; thanks ; +cart
I read down through the
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I read down through the principles. Each one was very short:

Everyone is equal
Everything is reused
Nothing is anonymous
Nothing is owned
Tell the truth
Do no harm
Obey the rules
Live your life
Better and better

Manna – Two Views of Humanity’s Future – Chapter 5 | MarshallBrain.com


; ilyag[$,)]; 1ad99be5; thanks ; +cart
E1707504562706 E1707504
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E1707504562706 E1707504562706

; Guest[)&.]; 105c7c32; thanks ; +cart
E1707475905205 E1707475
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E1707475905205 E1707475905205

; Guest[&^.]; 6eef7e53; thanks ; +cart
Фотограф АлеÐ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Фотограф Александр Петросян (@petrosphotos) • Instagram photos and videos



; ilyag[$,)]; a1a0d657; thanks ; +cart
Мужчина не го
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Мужчина не говорит «спасибо», мужчина делает «спасибо».

; ilyag[$,)]; 645458e5; thanks ; +cart
Самое сказочÐ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Самое сказочное, самое чудесное из всех доступных человеку переживаний — предвкушение чуда.

; ilyag[$,)]; 5dba87e7; thanks ; +cart
Сильнее всех
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Сильнее всех тот, кого не видно и не слышно, но кто видит и слышит всех.

; ilyag[$,)]; ed32c6fb; thanks ; +cart
Нужно уметь п
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Нужно уметь правильно формулировать вопрос. Это половина дела. А вторая половина — умение услышать ответ.

; ilyag[$,)]; 1b2d711b; thanks ; +cart
Даже если лет
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Даже если летишь в пропасть, не зажмуривайся от страха, а гляди в оба — вдруг удастся за что-нибудь ухватиться.

; ilyag[$,)]; 963eadef; thanks ; +cart
Еще не родила
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Еще не родилась та женщина, у которой гордость была бы выше любопытства.

; ilyag[$,)]; 55947923; thanks ; +cart
Из всех насла
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Из всех наслаждений, отпущенных человеку, самое изысканное — шевелить мозгами.

; ilyag[$,)]; 90efa8ba; thanks ; +cart
Среди бегущиÑ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Среди бегущих остановись, среди кричащих замолчи.

; ilyag[$,)]; b83515c9; thanks ; +cart
Я спросила Ма
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Я спросила Марианну:
- Каким был Виктор Цой?
Она словно ждала этого вопроса. Ответила фразой законченной, сложенной, как длинная стихотворная цоевская строка:
- Он любил вырезать нэцке. Любил тихо сидеть на кухне, держа в руках гитару. Любил жаркое солнце. Любил ходить в кино. Он любил то, что любят все люди, потому что был очень простым человеком.
(Татьяна Кудрявцева, корреспондент)

; ilyag[$,)]; 472a416b; thanks ; +cart
Жалобы на жиз
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Жалобы на жизнь — бессмысленное времяпрепровождение; мизантропия удел трусливых; любовь к жизни (возможная только вопреки всему) требует мужества. Не истеричного героического порыва, а мужества каждодневного, сиюминутного, спокойного и отрешенного.
Макс Фрай

; ilyag[$,)]; 70014c9a; thanks ; +cart
Старая индейÑ
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Старая индейская поговорка гласит: «Лошадь сдохла — слезь». Казалось бы, всё ясно, но…
1. Мы уговариваем себя, что есть ещё надежда.
2. Мы бьём дохлую лошадь сильнее.
3. Мы говорим: «мы всегда так скакали».
4. Мы организовываем мероприятие по оживлению дохлых лошадей.
5. Мы объясняем себе, что наша дохлая лошадь гораздо лучше, быстрее и дешевле.
6. Мы сидим возле лошади и уговариваем её не быть дохлой.
7. Мы покупаем средства, которые помогают быстрее скакать на дохлых лошадях.
8. Мы изменяем критерии опознавания дохлых лошадей.
9. Мы стаскиваем дохлых лошадей вместе, в надежде, что вместе они будут скакать быстрее.
10. Мы нанимаем специалистов по дохлым лошадям.
Но суть проста: ЛОШАДЬ СДОХЛА — СЛЕЗЬ!

; ilyag[$,)]; 0d973768; thanks ; +cart
How much better to get w
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How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

Proverbs 16 - NIV - To humans belong the plans of the heart, but from ...


; ilyag[$,)]; b9335608; thanks ; +cart
In Shambhala tradition,
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In Shambhala tradition, the Four Dignitaries and the Wind Horse are important symbols representing different qualities and aspects of the path towards enlightenment. Here's a breakdown of each:

The Four Dignities:

Tiger (Meekness): Represents groundedness, humility, and gentle strength. It encourages overcoming arrogance and cultivating friendliness towards oneself and others.
Snow Lion (Perkiness): Represents vibrant energy, inquisitiveness, and joyful engagement with life. It helps overcome doubt and hesitation, encouraging exploration and enthusiasm.
Garuda (Outrageousness): Represents visionary power, fearlessness, and breaking through limitations. It encourages challenging conventions, taking risks, and pursuing one's vision with boldness.
Dragon (Inscrutability): Represents wisdom, power, and mystery. It encourages developing deep understanding, embracing ambiguity, and acting with wise and compassionate discernment.

The Wind Horse:

Often depicted as a horse with wings and a jewel on its back, the Wind Horse symbolizes the vital life force, good fortune, and the power to carry us towards enlightenment. It represents the qualities of speed, swiftness, and effortlessly overcoming obstacles.


The Four Dignitaries embody different stages of development on the path of warriorship, leading to a mature and compassionate engagement with the world.
The Wind Horse energizes and carries forward the qualities embodied by the Dignitaries.

Additional Notes:

These symbols are used in meditation, teachings, and artwork within Shambhala tradition.
Different interpretations and applications of the symbols exist, even within Shambhala itself.
It's important to note that Shambhala can also refer to a mythical hidden kingdom in Buddhist teachings, and the Four Dignitaries and Wind Horse may hold different meanings in other traditions.

I hope this information is helpful! Let me know if you'd like to delve deeper into any specific aspect of these symbols.



; ilyag[$,)]; 92c1c2fe; thanks ; +cart
In the context of Shambh
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In the context of Shambhala, the term "dignitaries" typically refers to four symbolic creatures, not actual people. These creatures, along with the wind horse, represent powerful qualities and play significant roles in various Shambhala practices. Here's a breakdown of each:

The Four Dignities:

Garuda: Often depicted as a bird with human-like features, Garuda symbolizes visionary power, clarity, and inspiration. It encourages seeing beyond limitations and embracing vast possibilities.
Snow Lion: This majestic and playful creature represents joyful energy, courage, and confidence. It embodies the spirit of fearlessness and taking action with a positive attitude.
Tiger: Representing groundedness, humility, and strength, the tiger teaches about overcoming arrogance and developing unwavering commitment to truth and integrity.
Dragon: This enigmatic creature signifies mystery, transformation, and hidden potential. It encourages exploring the depths of oneself and embracing change with wisdom.

The Wind Horse:

The wind horse is a central symbol in Shambhala, often depicted as a white horse with wings and jewels. It embodies the qualities of good fortune, positive energy, and effortless accomplishment. The wind horse carries prayers and aspirations throughout the universe, promoting harmony and good will.

These symbols are often found together in prayer flags, paintings, and meditation practices. By contemplating their qualities, practitioners can cultivate corresponding positive energies within themselves.

Important Note:

It's important to remember that interpretations of these symbols can vary within different Shambhala lineages and individual practitioners. My explanation provides a general overview, and if you're interested in delving deeper, consulting Shambhala resources or connecting with a teacher is recommended.



; ilyag[$,)]; 9793f794; thanks ; +cart
In the context of Shambh
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In the context of Shambhala, the term "four dignitaries" doesn't refer to specific individuals, but rather to four symbolic figures representing different qualities and stages on a spiritual path. Here's a breakdown of each:

The Four Dignities:

Tiger (Meek): Represents the grounded, humble foundation of the warrior's journey. It emphasizes overcoming arrogance, cultivating friendliness towards oneself and others, and practicing non-judgment.
Snow Lion (Perky): Focuses on developing sharp, vibrant, and uplifted energy. It encourages inquisitiveness, overcoming doubt, and engaging with life with enthusiasm and joy.
Garuda (Outrageous): Embodies visionary leadership, fearlessness, and taking bold action. It emphasizes breaking through limitations, challenging the status quo, and expressing oneself authentically.
Dragon (Inscrutable): Represents wisdom, compassion, and understanding the interconnectedness of all things. It emphasizes cultivating calmness, equanimity, and acting with discernment and purpose.

Wind Horse:

The wind horse is a mythical creature often depicted on prayer flags in Tibetan Buddhism. It symbolizes the force that carries prayers and positive intentions to all beings. In the context of the four dignitaries, the wind horse can represent the underlying energy and motivation that propels one on the path of cultivating these qualities.

Important Points:

The four dignitaries are not meant to be worshipped or seen as literal entities, but rather as symbols and archetypes for understanding different aspects of oneself and the spiritual journey.
Each dignity represents a different stage of development, and the goal is not to favor one over the other but to cultivate all of these qualities in a balanced way.
These concepts are complex and have various interpretations within Shambhala teachings and meditation practices.

If you'd like to learn more about the four dignitaries and their specific practices, I recommend exploring resources from Shambhala organizations like Shambhala International or Drala Mountain Center. They offer retreats, workshops, and online materials that delve deeper into these topics.

I hope this clarifies the meaning and significance of the four dignitaries and the wind horse in the Shambhala tradition!



; ilyag[$,)]; 51de45f5; thanks ; +cart
Сознание – эÑ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

"Сознание – это огонь Святого Эльма на мачте тела. Лампа, освещающая механический и абсолютно лишенный своей воли процесс… Свободная воля – один из множества возникающих при этом миражей. Как огонь святого Эльма может быть свободен или не свободен? От чего? Для чего? Он просто горит некоторое время на мачте, освещая несущиеся сквозь него соленые брызги, а потом исчезает."
"Лампа Мафусаила, или Крайняя битва чекистов с масонами."

; ilyag[$,)]; fc2602d9; thanks ; +cart
Ashley Vaughn
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Ashley Vaughn
Juanpa gave me a powerful talk at Infusion that I needed to hear and won’t ever forget. He said “How do you think I manifested all of this? My wife, this land, the millions of dollars always flowing in? I did it through my heart. I felt it way before it was ever there and I lived from that place.” ❤️

; ilyag[$,)]; ce9e4087; thanks ; +cart
Тишина познаÑ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #http; #received

Тишина познаётся в развитом духовном сердце.

Чтобы научиться успокаивать свой ум есть множество практик, на 3м месяце марафона «Рождение в Свете» мы подробно с этим работали, присоединяйтесь к второму потоку если для вас это актуально. Ссылка в шапке профиля.

А теперь простая практика, для открытия сердца и освобождения ума.

108 дыханий ~⏱️30 минут

Эту практику можно, начинать с момента пробуждения, как только осознали что проснулись, в конце дня или в моменты, когда вам нужна поддержка, чтобы успокоить беспокойный ум.

Вдох —
«Я есмь» (медленный, утонченный вдох через нос, в пространство грудной клетки

Выдох —
«Божественное присутствие»
(медленный, полный глубокого покоя - выдох, во все стороны выходя за пределы тела)

108 раз мысленно произносим эту мантру

*На 1 вдох или выдох закладываем примерно 10 секунд

458 likes by ilyag


; ilyag[$,)]; 35b8cf30; thanks ; +cart
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received


cosmoxstas's profile picture
Тишина познаётся в развитом духовном сердце.

Чтобы научиться успокаивать свой ум есть множество практик, на 3м месяце марафона «Рождение в Свете» мы подробно с этим работали, присоединяйтесь к второму потоку если для вас это актуально. Ссылка в шапке профиля.

А теперь простая практика, для открытия сердца и освобождения ума.

108 дыханий ~⏱️30 минут

Эту практику можно, начинать с момента пробуждения, как только осознали что проснулись, в конце дня или в моменты, когда вам нужна поддержка, чтобы успокоить беспокойный ум.

Вдох —
«Я есмь» (медленный, утонченный вдох через нос, в пространство грудной клетки

Выдох —
«Божественное присутствие»
(медленный, полный глубокого покоя - выдох, во все стороны выходя за пределы тела)

108 раз мысленно произносим эту мантру

*На 1 вдох или выдох закладываем примерно 10 секунд

Станислав Казаков | Цигун (@cosmoxstas) • Instagram photos and videos


; ilyag[$,)]; d2bad483; thanks ; +cart
Рассвет прихÐ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

Рассвет приходит к тем, кто видел тьму, во всём её убийственно величии... Кто плакал от людского безразличья, но безразличным не был ни к кому. Рассвет приходит к тем, кто был в пути, не зная ни усталости, ни лени, кто, обессилев, падал на колени, но поднимался, продолжал идти... И зажимая волю в кулаки, вдруг находил ромашковое поле, и задыхаясь от щемящей боли, свои ладони прятал в лепестки... К тем, кто похоронив свои мечты, и помянув их, устремлялся дальше. Кто смог среди предательства и фальши не растерять душевной чистоты. Нечаянно, в небесной синеве, вдруг распахнутся солнечные двери... Рассвет приходит к тем, кто верил в свет. Абсурдно, до последнего, но верил...
И. Андреев
Вселенная Мудрости

; ilyag[$,)]; ca1926b6; thanks ; +cart
Скромность гÑ
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Скромность губит человека?
А вы когда-нибудь задумывались, откуда берётся скромность?
В детстве нам твердили, что «скромность красит человека». Ничего подобного! Скромность ГУБИТ человека. Губит таланты, ломает карьеру, отбирает шансы на победу, прячет интересных людей друг от друга, выгоняет с весёлых вечеринок, замыкает человека в себе.⠀
Что такое на самом деле скромность?
В школе я сидела ниже травы, тише воды, лишь бы не спросили. До ужаса боялась собеседований на работу – упуская хорошие предложения. А трудоустроившись, нервничала на совещаниях и скрывала свои идеи – хотя многие из них были гениальными, честное слово.
Но я старалась скинуть оковы стеснительности. Изучила теорию уверенности, посетила всевозможные тренинги. Но разорвать крепкие путы мне никак не удавалось. И я, по-прежнему, стояла в сторонке, теребя платочек, краснея и слегка заикаясь при разговоре. ⠀
Пока однажды я не осознала шокирующую правду. ⠀
Стеснительность – это… обратная сторона МАНИИ ВЕЛИЧИЯ. Да ладно! Кто? Я? Самая скромная в мире? Страдаю манией величия? Быть не может! ⠀
Но адекватность взяла верх над эмоциями. Ведь, правда, все эти скромные годы моё Эго рвалось наружу. Ему не нравилось быть серенькой мышкой. Оно хотело бОльшего, жаждало славы и внимания! И сковывала его вовсе не стеснительность, а страх... а вдруг надо мной будут смеяться? ⠀
Стеснительность - это когда хочется, но страшно.⠀
Страх быть отвергнутой - это страх УЗНАТЬ О СЕБЕ то, что меня могут не принять. А это разрушит мои представления о собственной исключительности. Это и есть мания величия.⠀
Считать себя стесняшкой - было приятно. А вот горькая правда о том, что я страдаю манией величия - мне не понравилась. И я решила, что я - обычная. В хорошем смысле этого слова. Дала возможность другим людям меня отвергнуть, если я им не понравлюсь. Кому-то я интересна. Кому-то нет – и это НОРМАЛЬНО.
Я - это я. Со мной всё в порядке. И с Вами – тоже.
Все мы – обычные. И ПРИ ЭТОМ НЕПОВТОРИМЫЕ.
Не обязательно нравиться всем. Главное - нравиться себе!
Да, в жизни бывают отказы, нас примут не все. Но это всего лишь мнение другого человека! Разве мы рождены только для того, чтобы получать чужие одобрения?
Светлана Неганова


; Guest+[;;']; 5928718d; thanks ; +cart
A miracle occurs when yo
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A miracle occurs when your Faith in a Higher Truth is greater than your Faith in a Lower Lie.

Take a deep, long, letting go breath and read that two more times.

big love,

-- Drew DeOrsey

; ilyag[$,)]; 55f9460a; thanks ; +cart
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; Guest+[;;']; 822a1217; thanks ; +cart
Most contra dances are o
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Most contra dances are organized by a committee of volunteers: ~3 to ~8 people who divide up the work. This includes both advance work like coordinating with the venue, booking performers, and publicizing the dance, and also day-of work like setup, cleanup, and handling things that come up at the dance. For a detailed example, you could look at BIDA's current division.

Who Organizes Dances?


; ilyag[$,)]; e4e118a7; thanks ; +cart
Знание Тафти
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Знание Тафти предлагает нам принципы, как взаимодействовать с реальностью, чтобы быть богатым и жить в процветании:
Каков посыл – такова и отдача

Если ваш посыл: «Я – богатый и успешный», то и отдача будет такой же: «Ты – богатый и успешный».
Что отдаёте – то и получаете

Если вы отдаёте реальности все ваши лучшие качества, позитивную энергию, таланты - взамен получаете изобилие, вдохновение, успех.
Что имитируете – то и получаете

Если вы успешный человек, звезда, пусть даже пока только внутри себя, в своей фантазии – постепенно вы становитесь таким в реальности.

Часто, когда мы получаем какую-то полезную информацию, наш мозг её обрабатывает и тут же откладывает в «хранилище» - далеко в подсознание. А для того, чтобы действительно увидеть результаты, необходимо применять и отрабатывать все навыки на практике.

Денежный сезон. Онлайн-интенсив по Трансерфингу с техниками Нового Времени


; ilyag[$,)]; b437163a; thanks ; +cart
Теперь, в НовÐ
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Теперь, в Новом Времени, вы способны сами задавать для себя новую реальность – реальность, наполненную теми благами, которые необходимы лично вам, в том числе - и деньгами.

Вам больше не нужно выбирать – любимое дело или деньги, высокооплачиваемая работа или та, что нравится… Вы напишете для себя «идеальный» сценарий, без компромиссов и оговорок!

Денежный сезон. Онлайн-интенсив по Трансерфингу с техниками Нового Времени


; ilyag[$,)]; 790f926e; thanks ; +cart
Время летит в
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Время летит вперёд и стремительно меняется на наших глазах. А вместе с ним – и окружающая действительность. Происходит переход в Новое Измерение, когда появляются новые, ещё более эффективные техники!

Все новые техники собраны в программе онлайн-интенсива «Денежный сезон»:

техники для привлечения денег, актуальные и особенно эффективные именно в условиях Нового Времени

техники Тафти, техники имитации, мыслемаркеры, работа с косицей намерения

техники для тотального погружения в состояние богатого, успешного человека

Денежный сезон. Онлайн-интенсив по Трансерфингу с техниками Нового Времени


; ilyag[$,)]; 403aaf8b; thanks ; +cart
Imagine lovingly for you
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Imagine lovingly for yourself and others. For those manifesting a specific person , see YOURSELF as whole and complete , see your specific person as whole and complete. It’s a beautiful experience. And it’s an act of pure unconditional love. It’s absolutely powerful ❤️.



; ilyag[$,)]; 442d1c70; thanks ; +cart
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The 2024 Creative Project Application Form opens on January 31st. Less than two weeks away!
Applications will be open until May 1st and will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis.
JetLAG is distributing grants between $50-1,500 to support your projects! Apply with your ideas, big and small, for new installations, spaces, and creative endeavors of all shapes and forms to share with the crowd this June.
The application link will be shared in our bio and on our website. Check back soon!
Last year’s projects featured in this post:
1) Salty Puppets by Alec Hutson and Eugene Zeleny
2) Rocktopus by Soundkamp (Herman Latypov & Anna Pavlova)
3) Fire Organ by Chris Leger
4) Enchanted Forest by Tom Stevens
🐢🦒🥁🪄JETLAG 2024: NEOTERIC🐢🦒🥁⛰️
June 21-23, 2024 | Downsville, NY



; ilyag[$,)]; a22c31b2; thanks ; +cart
If your desire was right
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If your desire was right in front of you, handed to you on a silver platter, how would you honestly feel? Focus on capturing that feeling until it manifests.



; ilyag[$,)]; 596010bf; thanks(1) ; +cart
if (defined &Your::M
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

if (defined &Your::Module::Name::your_function) {
print "Function your_function is already defined\n";

# If not defined, include the module
require Your::Module::Name;



; ilyag[$,)]; d0581d7f; thanks ; +cart
The metaverse has a grop
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The metaverse has a groping problem already
A woman was sexually harassed on Meta’s VR social media platform. She’s not the first—and won’t be the last.

Tanya Basuarchive page

December 16, 2021

The metaverse has a groping problem already | MIT Technology Review


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Falcon LLM is TII's flag
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Falcon LLM is TII's flagship series of large language models, built from scratch using a custom data pipeline and distributed training library. Papers coming soon 😊.
To promote collaborations and drive innovation, we have open-sourced a number of artefacts:

The Falcon-7/40B pretrained and instruct models, under the Apache 2.0 software license . Falcon-7B/40B models are state-of-the-art for their size, outperforming most other models on NLP benchmarks.
The RefinedWeb dataset, a massive web dataset with stringent filtering and large-scale deduplication, enabling models trained on web data alone to match or outperform models trained on curated corpora. RefinedWeb is licensed under Apache 2.0.

tiiuae (Technology Innovation Institute)


; ilyag[$,)]; 505f8fd5; thanks ; +cart
Table formats such as Ic
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Table formats such as Iceberg, Hudi and Delta build on this and add extra capabilities:

A table like structure and schema, meaning that we can treat files as tables with rows and columns;

Inserts, updates, deletes and merge operations meaning that we can update them as we would a relational database table;

Transactional safety, meaning that multiple users can be inserting, updating and reading from the tables concurrently without seeing inconsistent data;

By using these table formats, we take a big step towards turning data lakes into databases by making them well structured, easier to work with and scalable to more concurrent users.

Open Table Formats Are Inevitable For Analytical Datasets | Ensemble


; ilyag[$,)]; e9c2ef35; thanks ; +cart
Introducing Circle to Se
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Introducing Circle to Search

Our phones are a window to the world’s information — whether it’s to explore a passion, solve a problem, buy the perfect gift, learn a new skill or simply find a reason to smile. And when you’re truly immersed in a moment of discovery or exploration, it can feel disruptive to stop what you’re doing and switch to another app to learn more.

That’s why we’re introducing Circle to Search, a new way to search anything on your Android phone without switching apps. Now, with a simple gesture, you can select what you’re curious about in whatever way comes naturally to you — like circling, highlighting, scribbling or tapping — and get more information right where you are.

Google introduces new Circle to Search feature on Android


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ML models are probabilis
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ML models are probabilistic. Imagine that you want to know what’s the best cuisine in the world. If you ask someone this question twice, a minute apart, their answers both times should be the same. If you ask a model the same question twice, its answer can change. If the model thinks that Vietnamese cuisine has a 70% chance of being the best cuisine and Italian cuisine has a 30% chance, it’ll answer “Vietnamese” 70% of the time, and “Italian” 30%.

This probabilistic nature makes AI great for creative tasks. What is creativity but the ability to explore beyond the common possibilities, to think outside the box?

Sampling for Text Generation


; ilyag[$,)]; 825ed2c7; thanks ; +cart
Basically Little's law.
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Basically Little's law. It is queues all the way down.


Additionally, here is a great talk on queuing theory and load shedding. One argument this talk makes is that autoscaling is not the silver bullet you think it is (similar to queues).


Queues don't fix overload (2014) | Hacker News


; ilyag[$,)]; 79e628d2; thanks ; +cart
Memories: Photo Manageme
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Memories: Photo Management for Nextcloud

Memories is a batteries-included photo management solution for Nextcloud with advanced features including:

📸 Timeline: Sort photos and videos by date taken, parsed from Exif data.
⏪ Rewind: Jump to any time in the past instantly and relive your memories.
🤖 AI Tagging: Group photos by people and objects, powered by recognize and facerecognition.
🖼️ Albums: Create albums to group photos and videos together. Then share these albums with others.
🫱🏻‍🫲🏻 External Sharing: Share photos and videos with people outside of your Nextcloud instance.
📱 Mobile Support: Work from any device, of any shape and size through the web app.
✏️ Edit Metadata: Edit dates and other metadata on photos quickly and in bulk.
📦 Archive: Store photos you don't want to see in your timeline in a separate folder.
📹 Video Transcoding: Transcode videos and use HLS for maximal performance.
🗺️ Map: View your photos on a map, tagged with accurate reverse geocoding.
📦 Migration: Migrate easily from Nextcloud Photos and Google Takeout.
⚡️ Performance: Do all this very fast.

Memories - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud


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As online advertising be
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As online advertising becomes ever more ubiquitous and unsanctioned, AdNauseam works to complete the cycle by automating ad clicks universally and blindly on behalf of its users. Built atop uBlock Origin, AdNauseam quietly clicks on every blocked ad, registering a visit on ad networks' databases. As the collected data gathered shows an omnivorous click-stream, user tracking, targeting and surveillance become futile. Read more about AdNauseam in this paper.



; ilyag[$,)]; 6d213c46; thanks ; +cart
Store your files, run yo
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Store your files, run your own VPN, download and stream media, run a Bitcoin node, and more — all in your home.

Umbrel - Personal home server and OS for self-hosting


; ilyag[$,)]; c3fcf45d; thanks ; +cart
Escaping surveillance ca
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Escaping surveillance capitalism, at scale

Escaping surveillance capitalism, at scale


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Metcalfe's law states th
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Metcalfe's law states that the financial value or influence of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2). The law is named for Robert Metcalfe and first proposed in 1980, albeit not in terms of users, but rather of "compatible communicating devices" (e.g., fax machines, telephones).[1] It later became associated with users on the Ethernet after a 13 September 1993 Forbes article by George Gilder.[2]

Metcalfe's law - Wikipedia


; ilyag[$,)]; 611bda72; thanks ; +cart
LKML.ORG - the Linux Ker
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LKML.ORG - the Linux Kernel Mailing List Archive



; ilyag[$,)]; d8bc47c7; thanks ; +cart
title: Altern.org (Wikip
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>>Altern.org (Wiki

title: Altern.org (Wikipedia)

; Guest+[]%:]; b4fc1f93; thanks ; +cart
Altern.org (Wikipedia)
#AlternB; #hastext; #hastitle; #thanks; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Altern.org is a free web hosting service created in 1992 by Valentin Lacambre and disappeared in 2000. From its origins to the closure, Valentin Lacambre, a pioneer of Free Internet in France, had to permanently close the free hosting service in early July 2000 following numerous lawsuits. This closure was due to the laws of the time, which placed the delicate obligation on hosts to act as judge, censor, and, by default, guilty, as it was deemed difficult and contrary to his principles to control the 21,893 sites that existed on Altern.org at the time of closure.

Among the lawsuits, the famous Estelle Hallyday Case set a precedent and sparked much controversy. Nude photos of Estelle Hallyday, taken from a celebrity magazine and posted on a member's site of Altern.org, had angered the model, who then decided to take legal action against Altern.

Valentin Lacambre defined Altern as follows: "AlternB is the only service that meets both conditions: free without counterpart and open to all, which, for those who have chosen it, guarantees total independence, ideological and commercial, and therefore total freedom of expression."

In the spirit of the internet pioneers of the early 1990s, the internet was supposed to be free and open. Some educators were aware of the rising power of new information and communication technologies in connection with education (cf. ICT). Altern thus provided a connection to the world of education... a year before the national networking decided by the government.

In response to the law on intelligence, Altern.org announced its move to Norway in May 2015. In the lineage of the closure of Altern, a resistance was organized to keep the spirit of Altern alive. Several servers that previously hosted Altern sites were lent to initiatives to take over the project, such as l'Autre Net, Ouvaton, or l'Apinc.

Technically, the continuation of the project can be found in the voluntary development of AlternC, a free hosting platform that aims to multiply "alternative" hosts.

Translation by ChatGPT
Original: [https]

; Guest✅; 981fa5fe; thanks(3) ; +cart
Колядование â
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Колядование — Википедия



; ilyag[$,)]; 5d48daa4; thanks ; +cart
Крещенский вÐ
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Крещенский вечер — Википедия



; ilyag[$,)]; fabdd664; thanks ; +cart
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; Guest[#[$]; 416e14bf; thanks ; +cart
Some time ago, I wrote a
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Some time ago, I wrote a short article called "Writing HTML in HTML", where I explained why I use plain HTML to write, edit and maintain my web site. As I've been living with my decision to eschew both dynamic content management systems and static site generators for more than a year, I've had the chance to reflect upon it, and I think it is time for me to update and clarify my original vision.

In this post, I want to explore two fundamental principles or criteria that underpinned my original article, but were more or less unpronounced: sustainability and power. I also want to update you on my current site configuration.

Before I begin, I should say that these criteria are my criteria, they're what I value, and don't necessarily line up with what other people value. I think there are others who might value the same things as I do; others will hopefully find the perspective interesting, even if they don't ultimately agree.

Static versus dynamic web sites

; ilyag[$,)]; a2462c8d; thanks ; +cart
Some time ago, I wrote a
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Some time ago, I wrote a short article called "Writing HTML in HTML", where I explained why I use plain HTML to write, edit and maintain my web site. As I've been living with my decision to eschew both dynamic content management systems and static site generators for more than a year, I've had the chance to reflect upon it, and I think it is time for me to update and clarify my original vision.

In this post, I want to explore two fundamental principles or criteria that underpinned my original article, but were more or less unpronounced: sustainability and power. I also want to update you on my current site configuration.

Before I begin, I should say that these criteria are my criteria, they're what I value, and don't necessarily line up with what other people value. I think there are others who might value the same things as I do; others will hopefully find the perspective interesting, even if they don't ultimately agree.

Static versus dynamic web sites


; ilyag[$,)]; 5c530eef; thanks ; +cart
#237; #hastext; #hastitle; #hasvote; #client; #cookie; #hashtag; #https; #received


Lines 334 to 338 in d29be59
// Scrollback
{ "command": "scrollDown", "keys": "ctrl+shift+down" },
{ "command": "scrollDownPage", "keys": "ctrl+shift+pgdn" },
{ "command": "scrollUp", "keys": "ctrl+shift+up" },
{ "command": "scrollUpPage", "keys": "ctrl+shift+pgup" },

Page up/Page down scrolling in WSL shell doesn't work · Issue #237 · microsoft/terminal

; ilyag[$,)]; f532c499; thanks ; +cart
404 Not Found
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #http; #received

404 Not Found


; ilyag[$,)]; b2c6bda0; thanks ; +cart
Listening with LLM - moo
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Listening with LLM - moomou


; Guest[#[$]; 038867e7; thanks ; +cart
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; Guest[#[$]; e0eafe84; thanks ; +cart
Zim is a graphical text
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page is as easy as linking to a nonexistent page. All data is stored in plain text files with wiki formatting. Various plugins provide additional functionality, like a task list manager, an equation editor, a tray icon, and support for version control.

Zim - a desktop wiki

; Guest[#[$]; 0a4b100d; thanks ; +cart
Plastics are made from f
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Plastics are made from fossil fuels, and the process can be turned around. Gijs Schalkx converted an abandoned Volvo 240 to run on diesel that he makes from the plastic waste he collects. The “de-refinery” converts plastic waste back into fuel and is installed on the luggage carrier of the car, making the vehicle independent of the fossil fuel infrastructure. The plastic waste is heated in a boiler to about 700 degrees Celsius, after which it evaporates. The gas is then cooled down and turns into a diesel-like liquid one hour later. Gijs collects it in plastic bottles – themselves the raw material for the diesel they contain. The fuel looks like Coca-Cola – one of the largest producers of plastic waste.

Plastic Waste in the Fuel Tank? | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE

; Guest[#[$]; dd427311; thanks ; +cart
What PWA Can Do Today
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What PWA Can Do Today


; Guest[#[$]; 98ab7911; thanks ; +cart
I choose relationships t
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I choose relationships that feel good. I choose conversations that feel good. I choose people who feel good. I choose thoughts that feel good. I choose words that feel good. I choose to go places that feel good. I choose to live in a world that feels good to me because I deserve to feel that way on a consistent basis. ✨
Say things like this to yourself every morning and watch the shifts that take place.


; ilyag[$,)]; 9bf879cf; thanks ; +cart
Where is all of the fedi
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Where is all of the fediverse?

Where is all of the fediverse?

; ilyag[$,)]; 4b16c43e; thanks ; +cart
A different level of per
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A different level of performance optimization

Making my website faster - Cliffle

; ilyag[$,)]; 18fbffd6; thanks ; +cart
Making my website faster
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Making my website faster

A different level of performance optimization

Making my website faster - Cliffle

; ilyag[$,)]; df58ed9d; thanks ; +cart
A Space For
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

A Space For
Your Short Posts
Beluga publishes your posts to a
JSON/RSS feed and a simple
static site on the open Web

Beluga - A Space For Your Short Posts

; ilyag[$,)]; 7354922e; thanks ; +cart
I think we should build
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

I think we should build iOS/Android apps that are familiar to user and publish on the open Web. I built [https] to try to do exactly that. It’s still needs a lot of work to get where I think it should but I think this is the direction we should move.

Make the indie web easier | Lobsters

; ilyag[$,)]; 0936c2b0; thanks ; +cart
I wish we had a proper s
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

I wish we had a proper successor to the likes of iWeb and Frontpage - GUI static site generators that are (mostly) web host-agnostic

Make the indie web easier | Lobsters

; ilyag[$,)]; b55726cc; thanks ; +cart
Let’s make the indie w
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Let’s make the indie web easier
We need more than Wordpress

gilest.org: Make the indie web easier

; ilyag[$,)]; 99681696; thanks ; +cart
Every day before I get o
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Every day before I get out of bed, I cold message two new people that I admire. It never takes me more than 5 minutes. I've been doing this every morning for years, and it has gotten me:

- 4 internships
- my first full time PM job
- my first investor in my business
- a self-made female billionaire to fly me out to her office for a private meeting
- 3 new best friends
- an invitation to an exclusive founder retreat sponsored by Nike
- and my first five-figure brand deal!

Feed | LinkedIn

; ilyag[$,)]; 64288337; thanks ; +cart
Every day before I get o
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Every day before I get out of bed, I cold message two new people that I admire. It never takes me more than 5 minutes. I've been doing this every morning for years, and it has gotten me:

- 4 internships
- my first full time PM job
- my first investor in my business
- a self-made female billionaire to fly me out to her office for a private meeting
- 3 new best friends
- an invitation to an exclusive founder retreat sponsored by Nike
- and my first five-figure brand deal!

Curious to see what a cold message like this looks like?
Drop your email below👇 and I’ll send it to you!

Feed | LinkedIn

; ilyag[$,)]; 337c68a9; thanks ; +cart
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

All that’s needed right now is for you to not pull into what appears to be happening, but to be lifted into a higher state of seeing, feeling, thinking, and knowing what you truly feel, want, and need to happen. It’s shifting your entire outlook from the survival mode of barely living the way you want to the abundance of life force that’s always providing. Your self-belief could have been tested by the things that have happened to you and sometimes this can make you question your natural power to manifest or make things happen has you have done many times. This new energy moving forward is about reclaiming your inherent power and to find your voice again. You might want to go into hermit mode for this rediscovery, but you have to face the reality you’re shifting out of fully to emerge into the one you will bring to life. There is so much inner strength within you and you are an unbelievably a resilient spirit. Go forward in your faith and know that you are changing unlike any other time in your life. Be patient, but also be vigilant about your energy as so much is transforming in all areas of your life. Take good care of yourself! ❤️
Idil Ahmed 🫶🏽


; ilyag[$,)]; 4f1a8b3e; thanks ; +cart
Based on the information
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Based on the information provided in the pdf, here are some areas where a large language model could have a positive impact on the Pollyanna framework:

Assisting with localization and translation: A language model could help translate the user interface into multiple languages to improve accessibility for non-English speakers. It could also assist with translating user-generated content.
Generating alt-text for images: A language model could automatically generate descriptive alt-text for images to improve accessibility for blind users who rely on screen readers.
Summarizing long-form text: To make lengthy posts more accessible, a language model could provide concise summaries. This helps users get the key information quickly.
Simplifying complex writing: A language model could rewrite complex sentences and passages in plainer language to increase understandability for people with cognitive disabilities.
Transcribing audio: Any audio content could be automatically transcribed by a language model to create text alternatives, increasing accessibility.
Describing multimedia: For video, animations, and other non-text media, a language model could generate detailed descriptions of the content.
Detecting toxicity: Language models could help identify offensive, demeaning or harmful language so it can be addressed through community moderation. This helps maintain a safe environment.

In general, language models could enhance inclusion for people with disabilities and ensure information is accessible regardless of needs or limitations. The human-friendly writing would also improve the overall experience for all users.


; ilyag[$,)]; 73ab7db3; thanks ; +cart
Based on the information
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Based on the information provided in the pdf, here are some areas where a large language model could have a positive impact on the Pollyanna framework:

Assisting with localization and translation: A language model could help translate the user interface into multiple languages to improve accessibility for non-English speakers. It could also assist with translating user-generated content.
Generating alt-text for images: A language model could automatically generate descriptive alt-text for images to improve accessibility for blind users who rely on screen readers.
Summarizing long-form text: To make lengthy posts more accessible, a language model could provide concise summaries. This helps users get the key information quickly.
Simplifying complex writing: A language model could rewrite complex sentences and passages in plainer language to increase understandability for people with cognitive disabilities.
Transcribing audio: Any audio content could be automatically transcribed by a language model to create text alternatives, increasing accessibility.
Describing multimedia: For video, animations, and other non-text media, a language model could generate detailed descriptions of the content.
Detecting toxicity: Language models could help identify offensive, demeaning or harmful language so it can be addressed through community moderation. This helps maintain a safe environment.

In general, language models could enhance inclusion for people with disabilities and ensure information is accessible regardless of needs or limitations. The human-friendly writing would also improve the overall experience for all users. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!


; ilyag[$,)]; 7f865bc2; thanks ; +cart
Based on the information
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Based on the information provided in the pdf, here are some areas where a large language model could have a positive impact on the Pollyanna framework:

Assisting with localization and translation: A language model could help translate the user interface into multiple languages to improve accessibility for non-English speakers. It could also assist with translating user-generated content.
Generating alt-text for images: A language model could automatically generate descriptive alt-text for images to improve accessibility for blind users who rely on screen readers.
Summarizing long-form text: To make lengthy posts more accessible, a language model could provide concise summaries. This helps users get the key information quickly.
Simplifying complex writing: A language model could rewrite complex sentences and passages in plainer language to increase understandability for people with cognitive disabilities.
Transcribing audio: Any audio content could be automatically transcribed by a language model to create text alternatives, increasing accessibility.
Describing multimedia: For video, animations, and other non-text media, a language model could generate detailed descriptions of the content.
Detecting toxicity: Language models could help identify offensive, demeaning or harmful language so it can be addressed through community moderation. This helps maintain a safe environment.

In general, language models could enhance inclusion for people with disabilities and ensure information is accessible regardless of needs or limitations. The human-friendly writing would also improve the overall experience for all users. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!


; ilyag[$,)]; c2ebab86; thanks ; +cart
thank you for this day
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

thank you for this day

; Guest[^$$]; 6b653265; thanks ; +cart
Любимый скулÑ
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Любимый скульптор, скульптура: Роден, «Мыслитель»
Любимый художник, картина: Куинджи, «Лунный свет»
Чего тебе недостаёт: Времени
Твоё увлечение: Стихи, зажигалки
Чего хочешь добиться в жизни: Чтобы помнили, чтобы везде пускали
Ты счастлив? Иногда — да.
Почему? Просто так

Ответы Высоцкого на вопросы анкеты[154]

Высоцкий, Владимир Семёнович — Википедия

; ilyag[$,)]; ace48b97; thanks ; +cart
30 лучших цита
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

30 лучших цитат Довлатова


; ilyag[$,)]; b898c3c2; thanks ; +cart
Golden Rules of Interfac
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

Golden Rules of Interface Design (2013) (umd.edu)

Golden Rules of Interface Design (2013) | Hacker News

; ilyag[$,)]; 668e036c; thanks ; +cart
I was looking for inform
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

I was looking for information on...

; Guest[#[$]; 630764a4; thanks ; +cart
I was looking for inform
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

I was looking for information on...

; Guest[#[$]; d137fa55; thanks ; +cart
>Basic assumption is
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

>Basic assumption is that most/all are based on dated observations of seasons, planets, stars, etc -- things that were once mysteries in the mechanical universe.
I think this is pretty much propaganda from anti-religious people. I have read all of the major religious texts over the last two years and If you look at most religions and their scriptures they deal very little with the physical world in general and are more focused on psychology and sociology than having serious thoughts on physics.

Sure some of them have foundation myths which we may say is wrong, but that’s a small part of any given religion and I don’t believe anyone every took them serious in the way we think of something like the Big Bang.

Largest archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and more | Hacker News

; Guest[#[$]; d8f7f045; thanks ; +cart
I've been curious lately
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #https; #received

I've been curious lately about the existence of any religion, mythology, folklore, etc that capture something closer to the current edges of modern physics and astrology. Basic assumption is that most/all are based on dated observations of seasons, planets, stars, etc -- things that were once mysteries in the mechanical universe.
Are there any that touch on quantum weirdness or more recent astrophysics (black holes, gravity waves, FRBs, etc)?

Would be interesting to see if new myths are being born. Even more interesting if a really ancient one touch on some of these only recently discovered mysteries.

Largest archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and more | Hacker News

; Guest[#[$]; 7702c900; thanks ; +cart
1. What am I talking abo
#affirmation; #affirmationoftheday; #affirmationpositive; #affirmations; #hastext; #hastitle; #hasvote; #josephmurphy; #lawofassumption; #lawofattraction; #lawofattractioncoach; #lawofattractionguide; #lawofattractionquotes; #lawofattractiontips[...]

1. What am I talking about here?

„Scripting“ is a general term for all manifestation techniques involving writing.

2. Today, I’m introducing you the Diary Technique, with which I’ve already manifested specific people, my business and financial abundance, health, and specific opportunities that I wanted.

3. How?

👉🏼 Get yourself a new notebook. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy, but it should be new. Using an old notebook may remind your subconscious with old negative memories, which can interfere with your new goals.

👉🏼 Write a future date, e.g., June 30, 2024, if you start scripting in January 2024.

👉🏼 Personally, I begin my text with „dear infinite intelligence,“ but you can also use „dear god/allah/krishna/universe/source energy,“ or whatever you deeply believe in.

👉🏼 Then, write your text like a thank-you speech for all the wonderful things that have manifested for you in the last six months. For example, „Thank you Infinite intelligence that I have manifested €15,000 in passive income, and that my business is thriving more than ever before.“

👉🏼 Take your time while writing; don’t rush the process. Allow yourself to feel your goals as real as possible during the writing. You need to feel your goals real in the present moment.

👉🏼 Read the text every day for 30 days, once or twice a day, as part of your routine. While reading, allow yourself to genuinely feel everything real.

♥️👍🏼 Don’t forget to like and save this post for later.

🤗 Follow for daily manifestation content 👉🏼 @alignwithbuko

😌 For Manifestation coaching + courses check link in bio


#manifestation #manifesting #manifest #manifestations #manifestieren #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #manifestmoney #manifestabundance #manifestlove #manifestdestiny #manifestthatshit #manifestwealth #manifestationcoach #manifestationbabe #manifestationtechniques #nevillegoddard #affirmations #affirmation #affirmationoftheday #affirmationpositive #manifestsp #spirituality #lawofattraction #lawofattractionquotes #lawofattractioncoach #lawofattractiontips #lawofattractionguide #josephmurphy #lawofassumption


; Guest[^$$]; ea26a370; thanks ; +cart
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received


; Guest[$!.]; 553bad16; thanks ; +cart
My favorite memory is ad
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

My favorite memory is adding to the "I give God permission to..." post-it wall, and then only minutes later hearing Father Mike Schmitz say, "the only question is, do you give God permission to love you as you are?"

; ilyag[$,)]; 437af967; thanks ; +cart
My favorite memory is ad
#hastext; #hastitle; #client; #cookie; #received

My favorite memory is adding to the "I give God permission to..." post-it wall, and then only minutes later hearing Father Mike Schmitz say, "the only question is, do you give God permission to love you as you are?"
Hash: 9d78eefc..

; Guest[$[;]; cf85d989; thanks ; +cart

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