# x Count Items on page: 1 # x 2023-05-16 file_hash item_title author_id cart eddd5c3e a social network for loaning people money â³ +cart # x a social network for loa #hastext; #hastitle; #signed Tue, 16 May 2023; â³; eddd5c3e; thanks ; +cart # x query.sql SELECT item_flat.file_path file_path, item_flat.item_name item_name, item_flat.file_hash file_hash, item_flat.author_key author_key, item_flat.child_count child_count, item_flat.parent_count parent_count, item_flat.add_timestamp add_timestamp, item_flat.item_title item_title, item_flat.item_score item_score, item_flat.labels_list labels_list, item_flat.item_type item_type, item_flat.item_order item_order, item_flat.item_sequence item_sequence FROM item_flat WHERE file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_flat WHERE item_score >= 0 AND ( SUBSTR(DATETIME(add_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 0, 11) = '2023-05-16' OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute where attribute = 'date' AND value = '2023-05-16' ) ) ) AND ( file_hash NOT IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value <> '2023-05-16' ) OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value = '2023-05-16' ) ); # x Cart * Paste Clear Add All RESET # x JavaScript * Some features may require JavaScript # x PageMap Welcome ; Threads ; Random ; Menu ; Help * * Expand; Minimal; Reprint; Cascade; Arrange; Float; Reset
SELECT item_flat.file_path file_path, item_flat.item_name item_name, item_flat.file_hash file_hash, item_flat.author_key author_key, item_flat.child_count child_count, item_flat.parent_count parent_count, item_flat.add_timestamp add_timestamp, item_flat.item_title item_title, item_flat.item_score item_score, item_flat.labels_list labels_list, item_flat.item_type item_type, item_flat.item_order item_order, item_flat.item_sequence item_sequence FROM item_flat WHERE file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_flat WHERE item_score >= 0 AND ( SUBSTR(DATETIME(add_timestamp, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'), 0, 11) = '2023-05-16' OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute where attribute = 'date' AND value = '2023-05-16' ) ) ) AND ( file_hash NOT IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value <> '2023-05-16' ) OR file_hash IN ( SELECT file_hash FROM item_attribute WHERE attribute = 'date' AND value = '2023-05-16' ) );