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let us not grow weary of doing good Expand; Minimal; Reprint; Cascade; Arrange; Float; Reset

item_title child_count item_score file_hash add_timestamp
this is thread 4 2 d9adf112
testaign 1 2 68fbb5b3
when a reference link is broken in spawn dialogs mode, it shows 1 - 72f95080
1b7a349d.. 2 - 1b7a349d
hey 1 2 682d9669
hey this is from chrome 1 1 9e009229
comment from hacker news 1 - f5c40b4d
i can write something 2 2 2a3bca35
Thank you Barre 1 2 3ac40ed5
Thank you Barre 2 2 4b794bc8
376760b8.. 1 - 376760b8
Mirooshushenie 2 1 765c369c
If your desire was right in front of you, handed to you on a si 1 1 596010bf
your right 1 1 f04659bb
LKML.ORG - the Linux Kernel Mailing List Archive 1 - d8bc47c7
Altern.org (Wikipedia) 12 3 981fa5fe

	item_flat.item_title AS item_title,
	item_flat.child_count AS child_count,
	item_flat.item_score AS item_score,
	item_flat.file_hash AS file_hash,
	item_flat.add_timestamp AS add_timestamp
	item_flat.parent_count = 0 AND
	item_flat.child_count > 0 AND
	item_flat.item_score >= 0 AND
	item_flat.labels_list NOT LIKE '%,hide,%' AND
	item_flat.labels_list NOT LIKE '%,pubkey,%'
	add_timestamp DESC


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Printed: April 29 2024 07:47:43.

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pollyanna: fc2d252

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