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Version: 3188

7 people
verified and approved people

16 threads
items with replies

32 images

7 items
new public items on site

183 links
links to pages and sites

66 tags
applied to make content more findable

69 labels
applied to items to add meaning

148 authors
shared their names or public keys

3505 notarized
time was recorded into server's chain log

2037 composting
pieces of content available for moderation

30 archived

6785 files
found under /html/txt (click to download)

version: fc2d252

title item timestamp checksum
[Puzzle Solved]57c71b28b17f21af
An actually smar05d2d4c480c53ec9
joan collins placffd70021f336b27

Q: When was this page printed?
Printed: April 29 2024 04:23:05.

Q: How old was the page when downloaded?
Age: 2816 seconds
pollyanna: fc2d252

Q: How can I get a fresher copy?
A: Ask the server to
